Garbage collection

A simple image shortcode for Zola


As I mentioned in my first post, I want to use a very simple interactive element so users can enlarge the image I add to articles without having to right click them.

A photo of my cat

A photo of my cat

This is a good way to get started with the Tera template engine used by Zola, and to practice a bit with Zola's shortcodes, which enable us to create complex components we can use throughout our site.

The idea is to create a new shortcode to use instead of the usual image markdown syntax. This shortcode will display a better styled image frame which can be clicked and takes the user into a full-sized version. Let's write an extremely simple version:

1<div class="post-img-container">
2 {%- if not alt -%}
3 {%- set alt = title -%}
4 {%- endif -%}
6 <a href="{{ src }}">
7 <img alt="{{ alt }}" src="{{ src }}" />
8 </a>
9 <p>{{ title }}</p>

This already improves the original markdown image by navigating to the image on click. Adding proper styling to the .post-img-container class, we can fit it in a frame and fix the size. But this is still not great: We are loading a potentially huge image, and it will end up in a much smaller frame (depending on your styling). So, while we're at it, why not make use of Zola's image processing capabilities and make our shortcode template resize the image?

1<div class="post-img-container">
2 {%- if not alt -%}
3 {%- set alt = title -%}
4 {%- endif -%}
5 {% set small = resize_image(path=page.colocated_path ~ src, op="fit_width", width=690, format="jpeg",
6 quality=60) -%}
8 <a href="{{ src }}">
9 <img alt="{{ alt }}" src="{{ small.url }}" />
10 </a>
11 <p>{{ title }}</p>
You can set the width argument to a number that suits your site.

In lines 5-6, we call resize_image with our original image. Now, our shortcode template will generate the extra versions without any action on our part!

We can improve this a bit more. Zola can convert images into WebP with its resize_image function. WebP images compress much better than JPEG:

JPEG Image, 76.3KB

WebP Image, 45.9KB

Both of those images are converted from the original with a 60% quality setting. Although there is a very slight quality difference, the WebP image is about 40% lighter.

Now, we don't want to use the WebP format alone. Some browsers might not like it, and then the image won't show at all. But instead of a bare <img>, we can use a <picture> element. You can nest <source> elements inside of a <picture> element, and specify a srcset property in these. In srcset, you can define different conditions (like width or pixel density) for the selection of a particular source instead of the others.

We just want the browser to choose the WebP image instead of the Jpeg if it is capable of doing so. For this, simply adding a source with it will be enough. The best part is Zola will generate all these different versions of the image automatically.

1<div class="post-img-container">
2 {%- if not alt -%}
3 {%- set alt = title -%}
4 {%- endif -%}
5 {% set iwebp = resize_image(path=page.colocated_path ~ src, op="fit_width", width=690, format="webp",
6 quality=config.extra.webp_quality) -%}
7 {% set ijpg = resize_image(path=page.colocated_path ~ src, op="fit_width", width=690, format="jpeg",
8 quality=config.extra.jpeg_quality) -%}
10 <a href="{{ src }}">
11 <picture>
12 <source srcset="{{ iwebp.url }}" type="image/webp">
13 <img src="{{ ijpg.url }}" alt="{{ alt }}" type="image/jpg" />
14 </picture>
15 </a>
16 <p>{{ title }}</p>

In lines 5-6, we generate a WebP version of our image. In lines 11-14, we've changed the <img> for a <picture> element which includes a nested <source> with that new image.

To easily change the quality of all the images in our site, we add some definitions to our config.extra field in ./config.toml:

# Put all your custom variables here

jpeg_quality = 60
webp_quality = 60

Now, instead of the usual ![alt text](image_url) title markdown syntax, we can write something like:

{{ /* image(src="cato.jpg", title="A photo of my cat") */ }}
Note the /* */ are there just to avoid the blog engine parsing the line.

You can style it however you want. if you want to know how I styled mine, you can head to the blog's GitHub repo and take a look at the SCSS.

A further improvement could be changing the a link to a WebP-compressed alternative instead of the original.

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